Business cards, Hong Kong postcards, postcard formats, postcard printing, printed postcards

Hong Kong postcards|Provide design templates and printing services|Minimum printing of 5 pieces|Support customization by customers

Postcards are also called postcards, and their English name is Postcard. They are a form of email used to promote and promote companies and individuals to share travel memories. A postcard is a small printed matter, generally rectangular in shape. The size of a Hong Kong postcard is usually 145mmx105mm. The postcard size must comply with the requirements of the postal department. The front of the postcard is often printed with colorful and rich background patterns, as well as clear and detailed images of famous tourist attractions or landmarks. The back is usually in envelope format, where stamps can be affixed, the recipient's address and the content of the email can be written. Personalized messages can be written on the back of the postcard. content, send a message to friends, family or loved ones, or share travel experiences and memories.

Price: HKD40.00

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Hong Kong postcard printing price list

5$ 40$ 40$ 40
10$ 60$ 60$ 60
20$ 100$ 100$ 100
30$ 120$ 120$ 120
40$ 150$ 150$ 150
50$ 170$ 170$ 170
60$ 180$ 180$ 180
70$ 190$ 190$ 190
80$ 200$ 200$ 200
90$ 220$ 220$ 220
100$ 230$ 230$ 230
200$ 300$ 350$ 400
300$ 350$ 400$ 450

paper materials for postcards

Coated Art Paper

(250g / 300g / 350g)


在香港,Design Easy支持少量印刷明信片,5張起印。
現時比較流行自己設計和印製明信片,您可以直接在Design Easy上直接下單購買現成模板或者訂製自己的明信片,5張起,一般第二日就可交貨。
正常香港可郵寄的標準明信片尺寸係145mmx105mm,明星片尺寸範圍:最大150x 220mm ,最小90x140mm。
正常明信片的背面通常採用信封格式,可以貼郵票、填寫收件人地址和郵件內容,正面常常印有繽紛豐富的背景圖案用於企業宣傳或者旅遊紀念。Design Easy的模板已經設計好標準格式,您可直接使用!

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