ID photo generator

The formats for receiving pictures are: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
The maximum limit for a single image is 20M

ID photo size
Background color
Printing and typesetting

Complete ID photo in 3 steps

In just three steps, you can quickly create various ID photos needed for everyday life and work, anytime.

Click on the left side to upload the image.

Select the size and desired color.

After completing the creation of your ID photo.
Download the required ID photo image.

How to quickly make ID photos online

AI intelligent portrait cutout

After uploading your photo, the AI will automatically recognize the main subject of the image and perform clipping.

Change the size of the ID photo

Fully automatic ID photo size cutting, a one-stop solution for all ID photo production needs, covering everything from everyday to professional requirements.
Essential sizes for various ID photos, making the tedious process so simple.

Change the background color of an ID photo.

Our meticulous hair-level portrait clipping technology ensures that every photo seamlessly blends into any chosen background.
Adjustable to official requirements such as blue background, white background, etc., making every choice precise and satisfactory.
In just a few seconds, you can get an ID photo that meets the requirements, simple and fast.


40mm x 50mm[香港特區護照、身份證、駕照] 33mm x 48mm[中國(回鄉證)] 35mm x 45mm[澳門智能身份證/旅行證、台灣身分證/護照/台胞證、英國護照/簽證、加拿大簽證] 50mm x 50mm[美國簽證] 一寸(25mm x 35mm) 二寸(35mm x 53mm)
1.‌照片規格‌: 照片應爲6個月內的紙質近照,背景爲白色,彩色照片。 照片尺寸爲寬33mm,高48mm。頭部寬度應在15mm至22mm之間,頭部高度(從下巴至頭頂)應在28mm至33mm之間。 頭頂至相片上邊距離應在3mm至5mm之間,人臉下颚以下至圖像下邊沿高度不小于7mm。 2.面部要求‌: 表情自然,雙眼睜開,雙唇自然閉合,全部面部特征清晰可見。 可佩帶眼鏡,但鏡片不得有顔色,不得因閃光、陰影或鏡架造成眼鏡輪廓模糊。 可佩帶助聽器或類似物品,頭發不得遮擋眉毛、眼睛或耳朵。 3.其他要求‌: 紙質照片必須由照相館沖洗或使用專業照片打印紙打印,不得對照片進行修改或使用合成照片。
1.穿著深色有領上衣‌:拍照時需要著深色有領上衣,不能穿白色或接近白色的衣服。這是爲了確保照片背景與衣物顔色形成對比,使人物更加突出‌ 2.避免穿著制服‌:拍攝時應避免穿著制服,包括工作服、警服、學生服等。這是爲了保持照片的正式性和避免可能的職業暗示‌ 3.避免誇張飾品和化妝‌:被拍攝者不得佩戴首飾(如耳環、項鏈等),也不得化妝(如使用眼影、睫毛膏、粉底等) 4.頭發應整理好,長發者應露出兩耳,絕不可遮擋眼睛眼角。發型不得梳得過高或過于淩亂,也不得使用發膠、啫喱水等定型産品‌ 5.表情端莊‌:拍照時表情應端莊大方,不得留胡須,若是長期蓄胡必須說明清楚。特殊人群必須在辦證時注明清楚‌

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