Personal calendar, annual calendar, monthly calendar, calendar, calendar production, customized wall calendar

Wall Calendar (Photobook)

Create a wall calendar that reflects your company's unique characteristics and promote your brand to your clients; Create your own personalized wall calendar to remind you of important dates at all times; Design Easy offers multiple sizes of wall calendars, and you can choose from online templates or design your own to make your wall calendar stand out.

Price: HKD19.00

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Wall Calendar (Photobook)
Wall Calendar

Wall Calendar

sizePriceAdd page
90(W) x 90(H)mm$19No extra pages
290(W) x 210(H)mm$58No extra pages
26PP (13 pages)

Cover: 200g card fancy card (Textured card)
Inner pages: 200g gloss art paper
Pickup: 5 working days at Kwun tong shop / 6 working days at branches


3步極速完成: ① 選擇「畢業紀念冊/旅游/結婚相簿/生日」等主題模板 ② 上傳相片自動智能排版 ③ 揀選封面内頁紙質即可下單製作
1.每本相冊均以人手裱製,精心製成。 2.相冊以HP (惠普) Indigo數位印刷機印刷,品質超越市面一般水準。 3.相冊編輯軟件、網上交易系統讓您節省更多時間。 4.專業設計、IT團隊,為您的相集,加添更多創意。 5.保護環境,減少浪費 design easy以先進的數碼印刷技術,按客人的需求,印刷適當的相冊製品數量,減少浪費。而我們特備的專業矯色系統,盡量減少印刷前所用的墨水作色彩測試,大大減少浪費及污染的機會。
每本創作都是獨一無二的,約需2 - 7個工作天可以送達您手中。我們將於收到您款項後開始製作相簿。
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