Offset white woodfree cards of various sizes are suitable for different occasions.

Design Easy offers offset white cards for business card printing and design. They provide the best prices in Hong Kong and offer thousands of free templates for you to use

Offset white cards are made from high-quality 260g white card paper, using offset printing technology. They have a smooth and textured surface suitable for writing. White card paper can be used not only for printing business cards but also for postcards, greeting cards, gift cards, promotional cards, and more. With double-sided color printing, the prices are very competitive. Printed by a Hong Kong printing company with ten years of experience, they are highly reliable. In addition to printing business cards, we also offer free online business card design services with thousands of free templates to choose from, making it easy to create your business cards!

Price: HKD55.00

Using Templates

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design services

One-on-one design service with a designer

Popular and free business card design templates.

All business card templates are customizable. You can design your own business cards online, and once completed, you can place an order for printing. We offer thousands of free business card samples for you to choose from. Start your design now!


90mmx54mm180mm x 54mm90mmx108mm
100$ 55$ 110$ 110
200$ 65$ 130$ 130
300$ 75$ 150$ 150
400$ 85$ 170$ 170
500$ 95$ 190$ 190
600$ 105$ 210$ 210
700$ 115$ 230$ 230
800$ 125$ 250$ 250
900$ 135$ 270$ 270
1000$ 145$ 290$ 290

finishing option Offset white woodfree card

Paper for offset white woodfree card

White woodfree Card



數碼白咭係使用現代數碼印刷機進行印製,生產時間快,適合少量卡片印刷,對色差無特殊要求的客戶。而柯式白咭係采用傳統大型柯式印刷機器進行印製,較適合大批量印刷,同時色彩控制方面, 柯式白咭的色差會較少。
Design Easy提供特急數碼名片印刷服務,數碼名片可快速印製,同時支持急件,詳情請咨詢客服了解。
香港印柯式白咭找Design Easy,Design Easy的柯式白咭採用高品質的的260白咭紙,專業的印刷技術,保證圖像清晰、色彩鮮豔、質感出色,確保長久的使用。如且價格平,1日交貨,十年以上印刷經驗,扎根香港,提供優質印刷服務。

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