Creative LOGO online design

  • Design easy provides 10000+ Logo templates
  • Create a unique logo design in just three simple steps
  • Free Design Free Templates One Stop Printing

Discover your favorite logo design from 10,000+ professional templates

10,000+ templates

Browse different types of templates or use keywords to find the template that meets your needs among more than 10,000 Logo templates, and then edit it into your own template.

Quick and easy to get started

Create your logo in 5 minutes with just a few clicks. We provide all kinds of resources to take your logo creation to a whole new level.

  • Millions of free vector icons
  • Over 100 fonts in different styles
  • Multiple colors with solid colors/gradients


您可以輕鬆地將它們應用到 DesignEasy 的產品上,例如咭片、宣傳單張等等。不幸的是,如果您正在申請商標,則不能使用我們提供的免費Logo。這是因為Logo裏的圖標圖像等元素,我們只能授予您這些元素的非獨佔許可。這意味著其他 DesignEasy 用戶也可以使用相同的圖標圖像等元素,那麼任何人都可以使用這些免費Logo,而並不專屬於您;要注册為商標,其上的所有元素都應專屬於您。所以,您可以進入編輯界面,上傳專屬於您的內容,替換掉免費Logo裏的不專屬於您的內容,例如圖標圖像等,使整個Logo裏的元素都專屬與您。

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