Small batch printed digital stickers, available in color and polygon designs, with landmark illustrations. With a very low minimum order quantity starting from just one sheet, they are perfect for gifting to friends or for small company events. They are cost-effective and allow for creative


Design Easy offers small quantity digital sticker printing services. You can choose between glossy or matte stickers, with a very low minimum order quantity starting from just one sheet. Design Easy's digital stickers provide custom combinations of half-cut stickers, with up to 30 different types of common geometric shapes per A4 sheet, tailored to meet various needs. These custom digital stickers can be gifted to friends or used for small company events, offering low cost and high creativity.

Price: HKD30.00

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Product price list

Quantity (Multiple stickers can be arranged on each A4 sheet).70g gloss sticker/matt surface sticker
1pcs $30
5 pcs $60
10pcs $80
20pcs $140
30pcs $180
40pcs $230
50 pcs $300
60 pcs $320
70pcs $340
80pcs $360
90 pcs $390
100pcs $420

Available finishing

Available paper types

Gloss Surface Label / Sticker

( 70g )

Woodfree Surface Label / Sticker

( 70g )


A型 94x44mm、 B型 94x94mm、 C型194x44mm、 D型 94x144mm 及 S型 144x244mm
彩色貼紙貼紙最少尺寸為 5x5mm ,最大尺寸為 450x310mm。
最小尺寸為 5x5mm,最大尺寸為 200x120mm。
標籤貼紙可以選擇過膠,書紙貼紙、牛皮貼紙、啞面合成紙貼紙及防偽易碎貼紙除外。牛皮貼紙 3 色或以上建議託白,避免影響印刷效果,託白則另行收費。
數碼貼紙尺寸為210 x 297mm,只可裁切一刀(已包含在價格內)並以 A4 或 A5交貨 每個貼紙不可少於25mm
數碼貼紙內的每個貼紙距離不能少於 5mm 及 數碼貼紙圖形闊度不能少於 10mm 數碼貼紙每邊須預留每邊 2mm 出血位。
香港印貼紙找Design Easy,支持多種形狀貼紙,無需刀模費,以數字化印刷技術印製而成,價格低,無印刷數量要求,一張都可以印。
Design Easy 提供少量小數量的貼紙印刷服務,您可選用光粉貼紙或書面貼紙,特低起印量,1張起印,支持多種形狀貼紙,無需刀模費。

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