在日常工作中,少不免會用到PDF,如果你需要線上將PDF轉換為Word文檔,而且不想安裝程式或下載APP,不妨試下Design Easy全新推出的PDF to Word工具啦!Design Easy提供了免費、高效、方便的PDF to Word轉換服務,讓您的工作更加輕鬆和高效,節省您寶貴的時間!
依照下列幾個簡單步驟,即可快速輕鬆地將PDF轉換為Word 文檔:
PDF to Word 步驟一
Delivery in 3 working days, $70 for a minimum order of 100 sheets. You can choose single-sided or double-sided UV printing for outstanding effects.
HKD 45 / starting from 100pcs
Delivery in 1 working day, $50 for a minimum order of 100 sheets. Various common processing options are available.
HKD 65 / starting from 300pcs
Delivery in 5 working days, offering 2-part to 5-part carbonless form printing services. Various sizes and colors are available, with a minimum order of 10 books.
HKD 475 / 10 copies or more
Delivery in 1 working day, $45 for a minimum order of 100 sheets. Various processing options are available to make the cards more durable.
HKD 25 / from 5pcs
3 working days delivery $70 / 100 sheets or more Single-sided or double-sided UV printing is available for outstanding effect
HKD 38 / 1 copy